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文章出处:http://www.jnkdblgd.com/ 人气: 0 发表时间:2022-06-13
Convection transfer is one of the energy transfer modes of glass. Due to the temperature difference on both sides of the glass, the air drops on the cold side and rises on the hot side, resulting in air convection and energy loss. There are several reasons for this phenomenon:
First, the poor sealing between the glass and the surrounding frame system results in the direct exchange of gas inside and outside the window frame, resulting in convection, resulting in the loss of energy;
Second, the unreasonable design of the internal space structure of the glass leads to the convection of the gas inside the glass due to the temperature difference, which drives the energy exchange, resulting in the loss of energy;
Third, the temperature difference between the inside and outside of the windows that make up the whole system is large, resulting in a large temperature difference between the inside and outside of the glass. With the help of cold radiation and heat conduction, air convection occurs on both sides of the glass, and then passes through the glass as a whole, resulting in the loss of energy. Reasonable glass design can reduce the convection of gas, thus reducing the convection loss of energy.
In addition, when selecting the office glass partition, you should choose safe glass. Tempered glass belongs to safe glass. Ordinary glass is fragile. After tempering, it can enhance the hardness of the glass. It can be safer to use as an office partition. Partition hardware fittings should also be made of good materials. Choosing stainless steel materials for legs, door locks, handles, clamping slots, frames, etc. will also increase the service life of office partitions.
The typical phenomenon of the failure of office partition glass products is the condensation and water ingress inside the glass partition. Such products not only affect the appearance of the whole glass, but also affect the thermal performance of the whole glass. The key factors affecting the life of the glass are the aging resistance of the sealant and the adsorption capacity of the desiccant, and the decisive factor is the performance of the sealant.
Jinan glass installation manufacturers believe that the service life of the glass partition is also affected by later maintenance. In the daily process, attention should be paid to the maintenance of the glass partition to avoid long-term collision with the glass partition, reducing its fixity and causing looseness. Ensure that the glass partition is clean and tidy to prevent dust and other substances from affecting the adhesion of the glass adhesive.
The above is the content to be explained today. I believe that after reading the description of this article, you can have a certain understanding of the product. I hope the above content can help you. In addition, if you want to know more about our website, you can pay more attention to our website at www.jnkdblgd com。